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The Solar Battery Storage System from Sunway Solar: Providing Businesses with a Constant Power Source

The Solar Battery Storage System from Sunway Solar: Providing Businesses with a Constant Power Source

Sunway Solar, a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, is delighted to introduce our advanced solar battery storage system. Designed to change the way businesses harness and store energy, our 768V 215kWh industrial and commercial energy storage systems offer exceptional performance, seamless integration, and uninterrupted power supply. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Sunway Solar is committed to empowering businesses with reliable and efficient energy storage solutions.

Unmatched Performance and Seamless Integration

Sunway Solar’s 768V 215kWh industrial and commercial energy storage systems are engineered to deliver outstanding performance and seamlessly integrate with existing solar power systems. As businesses increasingly turn to solar energy, our solar battery storage system provides a reliable and efficient solution for managing energy fluctuations and optimizing energy usage.


With an on&off grid switch time of just 0.02 seconds, our systems ensure a smooth transition between grid-connected and off-grid modes. This capability not only helps businesses to reduce their reliance on the grid but also allows them to take advantage of stored solar energy during peak demand periods or grid outages. Sunway Solar’s solar battery storage system is a key enabler for businesses seeking uninterrupted power supply and enhanced energy independence.


Key Load Uninterrupted Power Supply and Fire Detection

Sunway Solar understands the critical importance of uninterrupted power supply for businesses. Our solar battery storage system incorporates a key load uninterrupted power supply feature, ensuring that essential equipment and processes remain powered even during power outages.


Furthermore, our 5-in-1 fire detection system provides an additional layer of safety.   By integrating fire detection capabilities within the system, we offer comprehensive protection against potential fire hazards, safeguarding assets and ensuring the well-being of personnel.


Comprehensive Monitoring for Optimal Performance

At Sunway Solar, we prioritize the performance and reliability of our solar battery storage systems. To ensure seamless operation and optimal energy management, our systems include comprehensive monitoring capabilities.


Through advanced monitoring systems, businesses can gain real-time insights into energy production, consumption, and storage. This data-driven approach enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize energy usage, and maximize the return on their solar investments. Sunway Solar’s solar battery storage system empowers businesses with the tools they need to monitor and control their energy usage effectively.



Sunway Solar’s solar battery storage system represents a significant step forward in harnessing the power of solar energy for businesses. With unmatched performance, seamless integration, and uninterrupted power supply capabilities, our 768V 215kWh industrial and commercial energy storage systems provide a reliable and efficient solution for managing energy needs.


By choosing Sunway Solar, businesses can enjoy enhanced energy independence, reduced reliance on the grid, and a smaller carbon footprint. Our commitment to innovation and sustainability ensures that we deliver cutting-edge energy storage technology that aligns with the unique requirements of businesses, enabling them to thrive in a greener and more sustainable future.

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